Vatican khaw ung cüimong pyein k'hlak bi loh nak ung k'hnga-k'phlang tu gui neh ng'bik khai gui a k'thai gha 10 a mi k'bäi ah cüimong

India ghun khaw a ka, bawiphaya Father George Plathottam cuh (Vatican's communication office) ci neh pyein nah cüimong pyein  hlak bi loh nak ung k'hnga k'phlang tu gui neh ng'bik khai ah Papashangpughang Francis no a k'bäi ah kyak ci.

Papashangpughang Francis no  September k'cha 29 k'hngüp ung ( Dicastery for Communications) ci neh pyein nah Vatican khaw ung cüimong pyein k'hlak bi loh nak ung k'hnga-k'phlang tu gui neh ng'bik khai gui a k'thai gha 10 cuh k'bäi ca kyak ci.

A cun ah cüimong pyein hlal bi loh nak ung ng'bik khai gui a k'thai gha 10 a k'bäi nak gui ung, Asia kho ung ka cuh bawiphaya Father George Plathottam bäng pa tuk ca kyak ci ciah pyein ci gui.
Vatican kho ung (The Dicastery's new consultors) ciah cüimong pyein hlal bi loh nak ung k'hnga-k'phlang tu gui neh ng'bik khai gui a k'thai gha 10 ah a mi ng'ming gui cuh;  

(Fr. Plathottam; Oscar Elizade Prada, coordinator of the Department of Communication of CELAM; Helen Osman, president of SIGNIS; Fr. Fabio Pasqualetti, dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Pontifical Salesian University; Sr. Veronica Donatello, head of the National Service for the Pastoral Care of Persons with Disabilities of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Sister Adelaide Felicitas Ndilu, national executive secretary of the Commission for Social Communications of the Kenyan Bishops' Conference and director of Radio Waumini; Father Andrew Kaufa, coordinator of the Office of Communications of the AMECEA Regional Conference of Bishops; Tomas Insua, executive director of the Laudato Si movement; Professor Antonio Cisternino, president of the University of Pisa's Ateno Information System (CIO); and John E. Corcoran, founder of Trinity Life Sciences) gui ah kyak ci.

Bawiphaya Father (Dr) Plathottam cuh FABC-OSC ng'bum ung phi a ng'vai hta ah kya neh RVA (Radio Veritas Asia) ung phi a ng'vai hta ah kyak ci. Cun kon ah, Philippine ghuin kho ung om ca (Veritas Asia Institute of Social Communication (VAISCOM) lah (Polytechnic University of the Philippines) ung phi khong bang neh bi neh m'thei m'thang gui neh India ghuin kho ung om ca (the Don Bosco University) ung ng' thei ng'thang ci gui on phih a mi ng'thei ng'thang nak ung lam m'shüm gui neh bi loh ca kyak ci.

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